Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

Games Blogger nih..

Games yang agak unik nih..setelah googling,eh nemu games yang agak aneh.
Belum dicoba juga sih..hhe..yah,moga aja pada suka.siiibh,

The Caffeine Test
How Caffeinated Are You?
This test determines how caffeinated you are by how fast you can click your mouse.
Caffeine gives you powers. Take in enough of it and your twitching, vibrating body is capable of amazing feats. This highly scientific *cough* test determines your level of caffeine intake by measuring how fast you can click your mouse. The test will last for 30 seconds, during which you must click the button below as many times as possible.
Name That Robot
Name That Robot
Think you know robots? We'll show you pictures and you tell us what robot it is.
Would You Eat Your Buddies in a Blizzard?
Would You Eat Your Buddies in a Blizzard?
Suppose you were stranded in a blizzard and were forced to cannibalize your friends. This short survey will tell you how likely you would be to eat your buddies.
This quiz works best if you pick a few of your closest friends and answer the questions with them in mind.

How many countries can you name in 5 minutes?
Play game now
Tests how many countries you can name in five minutes
How many colors can you name in 5 minutes?
Play Now
A fun game that tests how many colors you can name in five minutes.


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